County Community College
(870) 763-6222 |
Customized Training
for Today's Workplace
EWTP Program Purpose
The primary purpose of the Existing Workforce Training Program (EWTP) is to provide financial assistance in the form of a direct grant or an income tax credit to Arkansas business and industry for the delivery of customized, industry specific training to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the existing workforce, and to increase the capacity of state-supported educational institutions to supply the on-going training needs of Arkansas companies.
Eligible Companies
To qualify for EWTP, a business must be classified in one of the following categories:
Using EWTP, companies are reimbursed by the State of Arkansas for up to 50% of training costs for most programs provided by The Solutions Group. Being a state-supported college, Mississippi County Community College is able to offer cost-effective training to area companies with or without EWTP grant assistance. By taking advantage EWTP assistance, however, a company can leverage its training budget nearly double.
What’s Involved?
Filing for the EWTP grants is quick and easy, especially since the support staff of The Solutions Group will prepare the paperwork for you. Turnaround time is fast so that grant approval is in place before training begins. For more information, please e-mail The Solutions Group at www.birc2@missconet.com.